Key box sugar bowl, Berlin, 1830s

Key box sugar bowl, Berlin, 1830s
The key-box sugar bowl was made in Berlin on February 13, 750/1000 in the years 1820-1850 by the goldsmith NiedlichSohn, active in the 1830s
The vault of the lid with an eagle-shaped decoration, a waist with a rich decoration in reliefs of flowers, paws,
Dimensions: length 15, width 10.5, height 11 cm, weight approx. 465 grams.
Key available.
zamek nie działa
Silver February 13, trial 750/1000
Additionally, a test tube
Beautiful and unique !!!

6 200,00 

* It is possible to book by calling:
+48 608466740 or by writing to the following address: or

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