Jan Fyt attribution, still life around 1650

Jan Fyt attribution, still life with hunting trophies and a dog, around 1650
Technique: oil on canvas
Very good condition
Dimensions: canvas 51.5 cm by 71.5 cm
Below is information about the artist

25 000,00 

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+48 608466740 or by writing to the following address:
biuro@galerialion.pl or 12337@wp.pl

Additional Description

(Antverse painter - Jan Fyt), next to Frans Snyder, was the most famous Flemish painter of still life [...] he was a very prolific artist, he left about 300 paintings dated from 1638 to 1661, there are also many of his authentic works that are neither signed nor dated . The work is an extremely decorative painting with a well-thought-out, compact composition that shows the multitude of various forms of nature. Both the game - slaughtered birds and the dog belong to the typical repertoire of Jan Fyt's still lifes, but the performances combining both these themes appear much less frequently in the artist's work. Fyt's painting presents a similar repertoire


in the collection of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna,

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